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Start talking WITH Swamiji

Writer's picture: SGSSGS

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Nadine and Mukesh Jaggessar have been ardent devotees of Datta Avadhoota Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji, serving Him since 1986.

Mukesh has reverently offered his services since then as an Assistant Pandit at the Dattatreya Yoga Centre, Carapichaima. They have many experiences of Sri Swamiji's Grace, so Nadine has willingly shared one of their most recent below--one that many of us in Trinidad, could identify with, given the almost eerie, unpredictable weather we have been experiencing.

Nadine’s experience:

Photo Credit; Avadootha Datta Peetham

Friday 3rd September 2021 was a day that seemed to be like most days—I was up organizing breakfast, and lunch for Mukesh to go to work. We live on a street off the main road in Central Trinidad in an old, wooden, flat house. There are no trees at the eastern side of the house, only one mango tree in the front, with a construction company behind our house.

Afterwards, I had breakfast, and saw that our son, Kaartaveerya was settled doing his online classes while I was watching Swamiji ‘Live’ on the tv. Then I did other routine housework. Later in the evening, someone told me there would be some bad weather about 11.00 o’clock in the night. We did not think much about it, and went to sleep as usual.

Storm approaching

However, towards midnight, we all suddenly were awakened by heavy rain, so heavy and intense that the sound of it falling seemed deafening on the roof! Extremely bright, white lightning flashed, followed at once by the loudest, most fearful thunder! The rain was soon followed by strong winds that came out of nowhere, and intensified so much that it was unlike anything we had experienced before! A storm seemed to be coming fast straight towards us from the side where there were no trees, and the nearest house was opposite. Our house is the only one on our side. I barely had time to wonder if it was a hurricane when everything started to vibrate and the whole house was shaking so hard that I was feeling that it was on the verge of breaking and flying into pieces!

Naturally, we were scared! I have never felt so scared, rather, terrified, in my life—so much so that I could hardly think. At the time, Kaartaveerya clung to me and told me he was very frightened, and asked if it was a hurricane, but my husband, Mukesh told us, “ Say your prayers and focus on Swamiji and ask Him to save everyone, and pray that no one gets hurt in this weather.” We all started to chant a mantra from Swamiji. I told Ka artaveerya to focus on chanting the mantra and not on this violent shaking of the house. This he did and in minutes started to be a little calmer since he felt Swamiji was present with us, (although he did not tell me then as he was busy chanting with his eyes closed, but disclosed to me later). It seemed to last forever, though it probably lasted about twenty minutes or half an hour at its worst! I could not help feeling as if we were going to lose everything at first, --and I could not imagine losing our roof, or worse, our house and belongings or even lives! However, soon after we started our prayers to our beloved Swamiji, something inside me changed, and I realised that somehow everything would be alright. My fears seemed to reduce even as the wind continued to be just as strong when I looked through the window. My sense of calm continued as I saw the other houses in the street also had lights on like we had. I did not feel so alone. Slowly, ever so slowly, our house gradually stopped shaking, though the wind and rain were still fierce! I breathed a huge sigh of relief, mentally repeating, “ Thank You Swamiji, thank You!"

"Keep praying to Swamiji,” I told Kaartaveerya, and we continued praying and thanking Swamiji.

Mukesh's feelings at that time:

"I was not so scared though I was feeling quite concerned, and when the storm intensified I was a little frightened at first, not so much for us, but for our neighbours and others who had houses just like ours. So I started to talk with Swamiji and told Nadine and Kaartaveerya to pray that others would not be hurt nor have their homes destroyed. When the wind and rain died down somewhat, while talking still with our Sadguru, I got the strong urge to go outside, and say my prayers there. So I went outside, stood under the eave in the front and after chanting 'Om Namo Hanumate Namaha' for awhile, eyes still closed, mentally I looked up and I saw Hanuman standing tall and majestic in the sky but to the front of the house facing east, the direction from which the storm was coming.

He was huge, very tall but unpainted, very regal, but looked more human -like in the texture and colour of His skin, alive and real, though He resembled our Karya Siddhi Hanuman as well! One hand held his mace and He was watching. The thought came to me right then, " Don't worry, everything will be o.k." I became a lot calmer than I had been. I continued with the chanting of Hanuman Raksha mantra for about fifteen minutes, then came back inside. Swamiji had certainly replied to me as our home and lives had been spared! Later I found out that our neighbours too had minimal damage."

Swamiji—our protecting, guiding Light

In the Aripo Vana Shiva Temple

Nadine continues: Suddenly, the thought flashed into my mind, that no matter what was happening, Swamiji would always be our Light to pull us out of the darkest tunnel, in what may appear to be our darkest hour. I just know it was Swamiji reassuring me! All we have to do is take refuge in Him, focus on Him as Sri Hanuman by chanting our Hanuman Mantra! For us humans it isn’t so easy sometimes as we may tend to let our fears overpower us, or doubt that He could rescue us in miraculous ways! Practising to concentrate on Him as often as we can certainly helps to keep focus when in danger.

From my bedroom window I could see trees and bushes still swaying almost to the ground, but in about half an hour, though it was still very rainy it was not as strong nor stormy! We took a long time before we could all fall asleep, discussing and wondering at the way our home had been held together by the power of Swamiji, our Sri Hanuman, Vayu Putra!

When it was all over, Mukesh found that some galvanise on the roof had loosened but thankfully and miraculously had not been blown away! Definitely, our Sadguru as Sri Hanuman had rescued us especially since we later found out that many people in the South of Trinidad especially had suffered with roofs having been blown off partially, houses flooded as a result, and even trees and plants had been destroyed with that night storm! Prayers to our Sadguru with full faith, devotion with concentration of heart, mind, body and soul are answered at once when needed! Not only this, but as Mukesh says: " Devotees should stop talking TO Swamiji and start talking WITH Swamiji. Which means, we need to wait for a reply, in whichever way it may come, and it does come, without doubt! When we do so, things go more smoothly in our lives, we become more positive and the strength and guidance come in time to help us! This is our firm conviction." Jaya Guru Datta!

Ever we remain, your grateful servants at Your Lotus Feet, Appaji!

Koti Pranams and love!

Jai Ho Appaji!

Nadine, Mukesh and Kaartaveerya.


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