Introduction: Jaya Guru Datta! Om Namah Shivaya!
Many Trinidad and other foreign devotees have been to Mysore Ashram over the years and have been fortunate to perform or witness puja to the awe-inspiring Shiva Lingam there, called Sri Sachchidanandeshwara Lingam. Lord Shiva the Formless Absolute is in the form of Sri Sachchidanandeshwara Lingam. THDM is proud and happy to offer our devotion to this extraordinary Shiva Lingam which bears our Sadguru’s name, in this humble tribute. Happy Maha Shivaratri to Sri Appaji, Pujya Sri Swamiji, and everyone!

Lord Shiva is considered the father of all Music by many, symbolised by the first sound, OM.
On January 19th 2022, our Sadguru Datta Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji interrupted His Tripura Rahasya discourses, to go out of Ashram. He was honoured by Sri Nada Brahma Sangeeta Sabha, Chowdiah Trust and the grandchildren of the great musician Chowdiah and many others, according to their tradition of honouring various artists each year. There was a flute recital by Vidwan Chandan Kumar, great grandson of the legendary violinist Vidwan Sri. Piteelu T. Chowdiah. The latter loved to play for Sri Swamiji in his younger days.
Recalling Sri Sachchidanandeshwara Lingam
During His discourse there at the Sabha, Pujya Sri Swamiji said, “ I do not play the violin, but that did not stop them.”

He remembered fondly an incident with the Vidwan Chowdiah when the latter was alive.
“ I concluded the program in Chikmagalur and went to Chittoor. Flute Mahalingam had his program there. I was staying at the home of the bank manager in the town. Mr. Chowdiah came to see me. I told him I wanted to see Flute Mahalingam. He asked me when he was to bring him home to see Swamiji. Swamiji wanted to see him that very night. Chowdiah told him, ‘My Guru wants to see you. Can you come to see Him?’ About 8.00p.m. various bank officials had come. The program started a little late. Flute Mahalingam came to see Swamiji. Chowdiah sang ‘Ishapateesha’ and played it. He remembered the lyrics. (This bhajan was sung by Swamiji spontaneously when the Sachchidanandeshwara Lingam was discovered and brought to Mysore Ashram by Swamiji.) Just with the mere touch of Swamiji, the Shiva Linga could be lifted from under the earth. Many tried before then to extricate the Shiva Linga but it would not budge. Chowdiah asked me why I didn’t do any consecration for Shiva Linga. I told him to close his eyes and then he would understand.”
Music is important—support its survival.

"Flute Chandan Kumar accompanied me several times. I feel like its his grandfather when I see him. So deep was my connection with him. Chowdiah used to say, “You will not stay in this place. You will keep moving. He said that all great musicians must play in Ashrama. And he used to bring many people and introduce me to them all….Chowdiah would make the violin speak. He would play and people would applaud wildly….we need Chowdiah’s blessings….When big musicians come and play , I remember Chowdiah. Who does not like music. It purifies the entire nervous system….
Many have suffered due to Covid including musicians….We must try to help them as much as possible. Teach children music. When we sing or play an instrument , we forget all our sorrows…. May Datta bless the grandchildren of Chowdiah and the organizers of this Sabha.”
How was this Maha Lingam discovered by our Sadguru?
Sri Sachchidanandeeshwara in Sri Swamiji’s Mysore Ashram is of special significance. How did it come to be there? The following compilation of Sri Swamiji's own words, is taken from Sri Swamiji's 'Life History' and His Discourse on Shivaratri in 2017.

One day, Swamiji, coming out of His meditation, said, “Siva is calling. He reports to have been held up somewhere. He asks me to take Him away.” Swamiji went on uttering the same words now and then for a week. During those days His sister of His pre- ascetic days came to the Ashram, one day. The next day Swamiji sent two devotees to find out if there was any dilapidated Shiva Temple in Ratnapuri, without worship.
Fifty years back Swamiji brought this Shiva who was located deep within the earth in Ratnapuri village. He appeared in my dream and asked me to take Him away. Until then I desisted from building temples. At that time the two devotees returned with a message from my grandmother,
"‘Shiva appears to be located deep within earth in the fields near my house. I am seeing
Shiva there. He makes strange noises. Why don’t you bring Him here?' Savitramma has also told us that there is a rumour amongst the oldies that once upon a time, there was a temple there and that it went down into the bowels of the earth."
Due to divine will, it so happened that my dream and my grandmother’s message happened on the same day!
“Then I should at once go to that place and see it,” said Swamiji. The experienced devotees protested that they could not reach the place before dark and that they should go the next morning.
But Swamiji said, “ Siva is not keeping quiet. What can I do?" said Swamiji. When Swamiji said this so firmly, the devotees agreed to start then itself. They brought a taxi and by the time they reached the place, darkness had already set in.
Ratnapuri is a small village. As the car entered the village, creating clouds of dust of the red soil, the peasants gathered around Swamiji. “Mysore Ganapathi Swamiji has come! It is reported that there is a ‘Sivalingam’ here. He has come to search for it.” The news spread like wildfire in that village…and all the villagers gathered. Linganna, Sri Jayalakshmi’s father, came and had a talk with his grandson. He told them the matter in detail. “ So what if it is dark,” said the villagers. My grandparents were living in a thatched house. They had gifted away all their lands earlier. They used to rear cows and engage in agricultural activities throughout their lives. They suspected that Shiva was located right by their house. Swamiji asked them for permission and had the area dug.
It was the mid-winter when the cold winds began blowing even before the sunset. In that weather, with the help of torches Swamiji roamed in a zig-zag manner along the crop fields and bushes of uneven size! Within half an hour, He stopped at a place and said with satisfaction, “ Siva is here. Dig out carefully.”
" Oh, we have been harvesting our crops upon this Shiva Lingam. They yielded good returns. We could not fathom the reason for it all these days," said His grandparents.
Swamiji marked the spot and came back to the village. The spot was in a field near the house. There were some crops in it. My relatives said to dig after the reaping was over. Swamiji said that it could not be delayed. The devotees of Swamiji said that they would purchase the crop. The elders of the village unanimously said that they would take no objection to the Lingam being taken away. Besides, they felt that it was not good for the village to have a Sivalingam under the earth without Pooja. They told Swamiji that if He took it away, it would be a great help for them. We arranged for a bullock cart from Hunsur. Many volunteers assembled to lingam when found. After making all arrangements and giving instructions to dig the earth at daybreak, Swamiji returned to the village late at night.
Strange but true
The next day, at daybreak, after digging at that spot, there emerged indeed a Sivalingam. They located Shiva deep within the earth! But how strange! At such a depth a big cobra was found encircling the Sivalingam. In spite of all their efforts, the serpent did not move away from the phallus. Not knowing what to do, the people sent word for Swamiji. Swamiji went to the spot. He stood for sometime looking at the serpent. The serpent got down from the Lingam voluntarily, dashed its hood against the pedestal of the Lingam and ended its life. Swamiji got the cremation done for that great cobra. He returned afterwards, and again the digging continued as He left the spot again.
Ishapateesha the mystery bhajan

In spite of the attempts made by many people to lift the Sivalinga, it did not budge. This had become the talk of the village. Hundreds of people came and tried in vain to pull it up with ropes. Again they sent word for Swamiji. He came, and standing near the Lingam, shed tears profusely. With a voice choked with heavy sorrow, He sang in praise of the Lord extempore, the great bhajan, “Ishapateesha Jagannivasa”. Violin Chowdaih and Urs were also accompanying us.
At that time the bhajan 'Iśapateeśa' was composed. No one knows in which language this bhajan Iśapateeśa is made up of. It is Datta language.
To date we have retained the same lyrics and same tune as the initial composition. Even to this day this bhajan causes the body to horripilate. Eyes well up with tears even today when I listen to it!
Even as He was singing, Swamiji moved forward and embraced the Lingam. How to lift up such a large Shiva linga? There was no crane to lift it up. It was deep within the earth. In the embrace of Swamiji, the Lord of the three worlds remained crouched like an infant. it was nearing the auspicious sunset time, the auspicious Pradosha time. The hearts of those hard, stony persons beside Him melted and moved. Won't the all merciful Parameshwar move? Just like a mother carrying her new born babe in her arms, hugging him to her heart, Swamiji carried the Maheshwara Lingam in His arms with great affection and placed it on the bullock cart. While I was singing, Chowdaih was playing it on the violin.
Back to the Ashrama - Lord Shiva's Self-enshrinement
“ Jai Maha Dev, Hara hara Maha Dev! Sambho Sankara”—as these chants reached the sky, Eeswara on the bullock cart came into the Ashram. Benedictions, prayer songs, auspicious instrumental music and chants echoed all around. But Siva again protested to get down from the vehicle. Perhaps it was the enthusiasm of the Bhola-Sankar to rush again into the arms of Swamiji who had to take him in His arms again….Where should this three-eyed God, one yard in height and a yard in breadth be kept?. … The reception was grand, but …not even mats were there. ‘Homakundam was the only place where there was less leakage of heavy rainfall. Swamiji placed the ‘Dweller of the Silver Mountain’ at a place, and afterwards the Lord Chandrashekhar refused to budge from there….
Some elders wanted to consecrate the Sivalingam and obtained a Nandi murti, and Yantras etc. Swamiji also took part jubilantly in the ritual. The time for ‘Yantra Pratishta’ came. The Lingam had to be moved aside and replaced only after setting the Yantra there. But the Lord with the trident refused to move. Twenty-five persons tugged at Him but He did not budge even by a hair’s breadth.
Swamiji was witnessing everything. He said, “ We need not do anything. He has enshrined Himself.” .…Thus, Maheswara who had His ‘Satya Pratishta’ (Truthful Installation) done by Himself, was named Sri Sachchidanandeshwara by Swamiji. That way, Swamiji was quite glad this His god-given name was well placed, and his personal devotees were happy that they were graced with a stable replica of Swamiji!
Shiva's blessings--more Deities and Temples in the Ashram.
It has been 50 years since the establishment of Dattapeetham. We are at the golden jubilee
year and are about to celebrate the diamond jubilee- (2017). In the history of Dattapeetham, the very first deity to be consecrated was Lord Sacchidānandeśwara! On this auspicious day of Shivaratri we are offering our services to Him. O Lord Sacchidānandeśwara! Please protect
Mysore Ashram --now a Vaikuntha

Contrary to my initial hesitation He has now got me to consecrate thousands of temples. After Sacchidanandeshwara consecrated himself in the ashram, He called Lord Narasimha
to come and reside here. Then He called Kashi Shiva, Ganapati, Vishalakshi Devi. Before
this He asked Dattatreya to come and reside here. He then called Vishnu to come and
reside here. He said, “Swamiji has no time to visit Tirupati so you come and reside here.
From Kashi Shiva has already arrived, now you come.”
Subrahmanya, who is Sena-nāyaka i.e. the leader of the Devata army, is also here. He is our protector at all times. He protects every cell, nerve and nādi (astral nerve) of ours. He
also brought Bhairava Swamy and consecrated Him here. There are totally 8 Bhairavas in
the temple. With merely their darshan all sins as well as diseases are destroyed. It is
mandatory to have His darshan. All forms of fears, including fear of life, are driven away.
We are so fortunate to walk here in this Vaikunṭha.
Super special birds, Garden of nectar and Sri Hanuman

The birds here are the various Devatas such as Indra and others. They are multi-coloured
and live on vegetarian food. The Moolika herbal garden is like a garden of nectar (amruta
vana). In it all kinds of trees are growing. Can you find a better Vaikunṭha than this anywhere? With His height, our Hanuman has occupied such a prominent place that there is no need to even mention about Him. He towers above all other temples. He holds the dharma-dhwaja. He fulfils all our tasks. Everything is available in the Ashram.
I think only devotion and dedication (bhakti-śraddha) are missing. If we add these two qualities, then there is nothing more to be sought.
Update: Sri Swamiji recently built a Rudraksha Mantapa for 'Sri Sachchidanandeshwara Lingam.'
This compilation of Sri Swamiji’s discovery of Sri Sachchidanandeshwara has been taken from 'Life History of Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda' and Maha Shivaratri at Datta Peetham 2017, Datta Vani. Sri Guru Datta! Hara Hara Mahadeo! Om Namah Shivaya!
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Photos credits: Sri Sachchidanandeshwara Lingam by Avadootha Datta Peetham.
Om nama shivaya shivaya rudraaya namaha hara hara mahadeo jai shiva shankar om sri sadguruve namaha