Sri Jayalakshmi Maata Aradhana this year is on 5th May 2022. We recall with deep gratitude this message of Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji, a.k.a. Pujya Sri Bala Swamiji :

"Today is a very important day. Usually Appaji will be in Jayalaskhmipuram every year for Aradhana. This year Appaji is here and celebrating Jayalakshmi Maata (who has come in the form of Annapurna maata) Jayanti and gave us an opportunity to have darshana also. Let us pray with sincere devotion to our Parama Guru and Sri Swamiji's 'Sri Guru' to relieve us from this period of difficulty."
"Day before yesterday, I had a dream - Appaji asked few us to go to Jayalakshmipuram and we did. Aradhana celebrations were in full swing. Meanwhile, the devotees started saying that Appaji came. We were surprised because Appaji is in Mysore. Appaji came running like a kid. We ran and went to Appaji in surprise. Then Appaji said, "There is one and only one flight. I came with one more person. There were only two seats in the flight. It is a direct flight to Jayalakshmipuram. I want to see Amma so I came. Is everything ready for Puja? Shall we start?" Saying so, Appaji went running to Amma and performed Puja."
"This shows us that Appaji's mind is always with Jayalakshmi Maata. That was a wonderful darshana, Appaji is here and also in Jayalakshmipuram. There is no doubt that Appaji is also in the hearts and houses of those who are praying.
Appaji asked us to know this new sloka and its meaning:
śānkarī nārasiṃhīyaṃ
saccidānanda dāpikā!!
jayalakṣmī jayantīnaḥ
sthirī kuryāt guruṃ hṛdi!! "
"Sri Swamiji is blessing us with this new sloka through Vidyaadhikaari Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy Garu."
Sri Jayalakshmi Maata bestows Sachchidananda
"The word Shankari can mean two things - 1. one who does good to all. 2. Today is Shankara Jayanti which is Vaishakha Shuddha Panchami. We offer our prayers to Shankara Bhagavadpadacharya who is the founder of Advaita philosophy. So, it is Shankari Jayanti. Shankara also means happiness.
Naarasimheeyam - She is the wife of Narasimha. Narahari Teertha Swami's previous name is Narasimha Sastry ji OR we can also think of Narasimha Swamy who is the deity of Narasimha Sastryji's family. When Appaji spoke of Prahlada's story in Telugu and kannada, we saw how immersed Appaji was all through the narration. We have witnessed Narasimha Jayanti puja from Appaji many times also. The word Narasimhi relates to all this.
Simha means lion which is symbolic of the removal of himsa (violence) Hence Mother has lion as her vehicle - Simha Vaahini. Those who pray to this form of mother (Simha Vahini) will be freed from the violent traits. She keeps people on the path of Ahimsa (non violence)
Sachchidananda Daapika - She bestows Sachchidananda. She lights the lamp of Sachchidananda in us. That Divine Mother, in a subtle form resides in all the houses. She has blessed us with Sachchidananda indeed. We got to know about Appaji through Jayalakhmi Maata. It is wrong to think that she was a normal householder. Appaji said that she is Maha Yogini. She is our Parama Guru. Since she gave Swamiji to us, she is Sachchidananda Daapika."
"Jayantinah - May she be victorious always.
Sthiri kuryat Gurum hrdi - May she make the Guru's word's/Guru's upadesham remain etched in our hearts."

"Let all be blessed with good health! Let those suffering with Corona become free from it soon and be happy with their families. May this disease leave this country and the world soon. Let normalcy be restored soon bringing happiness to all. Prayers to Sri Jayalakshmi Maata and Shankaracharya!!"
Discourse from May 2021 by Sri Vijaya Datta Teertha Swamiji
Amma Amma Jayalakshmamma - (Bhajana Mala-Bhajan ID 579)

pallavi :
ammā! ammā! jayalakṣmammā
anāthanāthavu nīvēnammā
caraṇaṁ :
durgamma gauramma sarasvatammā
duḥkhāla bāpēṭi dayāḷuvammā
nuvukāka iṅkevaru brōcēru ammā
pillōḷḷu tallini ēmaḍagarammā ....1
dappika dīrcēvu jñānamu niccēvu
tappaka kācēvu tappula diddēvu
manasuku śāntini pan̄cutū oppēvu
manasuna dūri tattvamu ceppēvu ....2
sāvitri liṅgaṇṇa dampati phalamā

narahari gr̥hamuna dīpammā
jayalakṣmīpura br̥ndāvanamuna
saccidānanduni rūpammā ....3
O Mother! Jayalakshmi Amma!
You alone are the refuge of the destitute!
Mother! You are Durga, Gauri and Saraswati!
Mother! You mercifully dispel the sorrows!
Who else other than you can protect us, O Mother!
What does the children not ask from their mother?
You quench the thirst and bestow Jnana!
You surely protect and correct our mistakes!
You pleasingly bestow peace to the mind!
You enter the mind and preach the Tattva (knowledge of the self)!
You are the fruit for the penance of the couple - Savitri and Linganna!
You are the light in the house of Narahari!
In the Brindavana of Jayalakshmipura,
You are in the form of Sachchidananda!
