Part 1
Dear Readers, we are very interested and excited to bring you information about our Sadguru's recent unique Concert in Tennessee. This Mini Series in three parts reveals clearly the greatness of our Guru as Paramatman, for only the Supreme can reveal about Himself in a way easy for us to understand. It shows also His great compassion and concern for His devotees the globe over, and the pains He takes to uplift us all. First we'll hear from Prasadi just how it came about...."(Editor)
Prasadi: "Pujya Sri Swamiji was in Trinidad in April 2023. Maha Rudra Yaga about the upcoming US tour in summer. When I explained the tour schedule and mentioned about the planned boat music session on Lake Michigan in Chicago, Pujya Swamiji smiled. "Nice," he said. Then, Sri Swamiji asked me to check for possible venue inside a cave. I found this Venue in Tennessee and showed it to Pujya Swamiji. He said, "Good. Tell Krishna and make arrangements." I texted Krishna Gurram about Pujya Swamiji's instructions and sent him a link of the venue.
Krishna was already deeply immersed in the planning of a music for meditation and healing session in New York City. The venue was not finalized yet. Finally that music session took place in the prestigious & historic Carnegie Hall in New York City on December 2, 2023.
By then, Prabha Ghantasala & Srini Chundu from Yoga Sangeeta were instructed by Sri Swamiji to help arrange the cave session. Things started to gather pace in the organization of Pujya Swamiji's session in the caverns cave in Tennessee state, USA."
Intro: In this Mini Series of three Parts, we start today with Part 1 which tells about what is Guha, by Pujya Bala Swamiji:
"Jaya Guru Datta. In the United States of America, in Tennessee, in the town of Pelham, some music lovers have built a Concert Hall in a large cave. To improve the mental and physical health of devotees, our Sadguru decided to conduct 'Nada Chikitsa (Music Therapy --for the first time in a Cave.) Sri Swamiji named this Music for Meditation and Healing Session as Guru Guha, a name which carries many profound meanings according to Parivrajakacharya Sri Sri Sri Datta VijavanandaTeertha Swamiji
Uttaradhikari.,Avadhoota DattaPeetham,
Mysuru, India. July 15, 2024

"This named encompasses meanings related to Vedanta, Puranas, Music, Kriya Yoga and Sri Vidya. (Later, our Sadguru Datta Himself reveals these in more detail.)"
Sri Bala Swamiji: "Everything taken up by Pujya Appaji is always novel. Not only is it unique, but also Appaji seeks that it must be beneficial to society. For this reason, on Saturday, Aug 3, 2024, which is Ashada Bahula Chaturdashi as per Hindu Lunar Calendar, and when Punarvasu star is ruling, Appaji is conducting the spectacular Music for Meditation session Guru Guha Raga Sagara, at The Caverns in Pelham, TN, USA.
In the history of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, this Raga Sagara session, being the first ever of its kind, will be written in gold.
As this Lunar Calendar year Krodhi commenced on a Tuesday, the Shastras declare that Mars (Kuja) is the King for this year. Kuja is Earth's son. Puranas declare that Kuja and Kumaraswamy are the same. Vedas and Puranas strongly advocate the worship of Lord Kumaraswamy for freedom from Kuja dosha (malefic influence of Mars on the person). Shastras also emphasize that this Lord Kumaraswamy dispels every form of illness.
The Vedas and Puranas extol him with various names such as Subrahmanya, Kārtikeya, Guha. Muttuswamy Deekshitar, the doyen of Indian Classical Music, has, used the word 'Guruguha' as the crown in his compositions, and also as his signature in them. Through this, he has indicated that 'Guru is Guha and Guha is Guru'. The word 'ākāsha' brings the terms 'Chidakāsha, Mahākāsha and Chittākāsha' to memory. Similarly, the word Guha brings to memory the three caves- Chidguha, Mahāguha and Hrdayaguha.
1) Chidguha- This is the cave called Jana (Paramatma).
2) Mahāguha- The cave called the universe or the mountain caves.
3) Hrdaya guha or Chitta guha- The cave called the individual's mind or heart.
It is remarkable to note that all the caves exist within the Chidguha! Chidguha manifests as all the caves. Chit is Jana or illumination (prakasha). To realize that Paramatma, who exists as Pure Consciousness, is everything, the sadhaka must enter his heart-cave through sadhana. To enter here, the mind should remain still. The mind can remain undisturbed only when it is distanced from all associations. Associations vanish only when sadhana is taken up in solitude.
The state of being in solitude can be mastered quickly and effortlessly in mountain caves.
Mental solitude does not arise merely by stepping into a mountain cave. Towards mastering it, firstly the mental vibrations must be balanced. Thereafter one must reach the state devoid of mental vibrations. For this, the movement of the life-force (prana) that triggers the mind should be halted. In Svarodaya Shastra, Paramashiva has emphasized that only Pranayama and Nāda(music) have the ability to tie down the life-force."

Meditation and healing music sessions of Sri Swamiji from The Caverns, the serene caves
of Tennessee:
The Sanskrit dictionary Ekākshara Nighant defines 'Gu' as darkness and 'Ru' as the illumination that dispels it. The word 'Guha' arises from the root syllable 'Guhu'. It means Samvaraña i.e., encircling firmly. As He protects everyone from all directions He is known as Guha. The word 'Guha' was born from the meaning, 'Gūhati, rakshati'. Nirukta Shastra defines it as - raksatiti guhah smrtah. Guha the protector. The feminine gender 'Guhā' means artificial mountain cave The masculine word 'Guha' is used to represent Lord Subrahmanya or Kumaraswamy.

This Guru Guha Raga Sagara being conducted by Pujya Appaji in the mountain cave will enable the listeners to enter their heart-caves, help them in attaining mastery in Sadhana and thereby will protect them. Hence the name Guru Guha is apt for the session, and it will be victorious.

May Pujya Swamiji's blessings fall upon all the volunteer devotees who, with total faith and devotion, are toiling for its success! Offering wholehearted prostrations to Pujya Appaji who is blessing this wonderful program.
Part 2, not to be missed, from Prasadi, continues soon.